Clinical Facilities | Health Sciences University

Clinical Facilities

Clinical Training Facilities

Clinical training is a fundamental element to the courses at Health Sciences University. We pride ourselves in preparing students for the real world and in getting students work ready for when they graduate. Clinical placements are offered in our state-of-the-art onsite facilities.

You won’t find equipment like this in every institution. We have one of only seven Open Upright MRI scanners in the country, alongside this we also use digital x-ray equipment, quantitative fluoroscopy and high-specification Samsung and AGFA ultrasound scanners, to mention a few.

In our Human Performance Laboratory, you’ll master state-of-the-art testing and analysis equipment used to support professional sportspeople, and you’ll learn about rehabilitation, injury resistance and performance enhancement in our Exercise Centres.

Chiropractic Treatment Rooms

Our onsite Chiropractic Clinic (one of the largest placement clinics in Europe) contains 34 treatment rooms. Here 4th year chiropractic students work under the supervision of our qualified chiropractic tutors to work to help diagnose and treat our patients. The Chiropractic Clinic is situated behind the main building on Parkwood Campus

Exercise Centre

The Exercise Centre, situated within the Chiropractic Clinic, provides a designated area in which patients can be assessed following a pain complaint. Although the wide range of equipment is primarily for rehabilitation, injury resistance and performance enhancement, diagnostic and testing can also be delivered in the facility.

Alter G Treadmill

We’ve recently invested in an AlterG anti-gravity treadmill. This piece of equipment inflates from the waist down giving you a weightless feeling as you walk or run with as little as 20% of your bodyweight. The AlterG treadmill will be used to help people get back to walking or running after injuries.

Open Upright MRI

Our Open Upright MRI is one of only seven in the country. An upright MRI offers what conventional scans can’t, helping patients with claustrophobia, flexibility issues, or breathing difficulties. Students in placement years may learn to use the machine as part of their clinical training and research.

Upright Digital X-ray

The upright digital x-ray allows the body to be examined while it is in a natural standing position. Rather than laying on a bed, sometimes the body requires to be examined in a weight-bearing, standing position. Student’s on placement years, will use this to learn about, treat and diagnose patients who come into the chiropractic clinic.

Clinical Skills Suite

Clinical Skills Suite

Our industry leading clinical skills suite is situated within Cavendish House, home to our School of Radiography. Here you will find our mock ward and some of our cutting-edge medical imaging equipment.

Mock Ward

The ‘mock ward’ is designed to simulate the working environment of a hospital or treatment room. The room is fitted with two bed bays, patient chairs, dummy oxygen, blood pressure monitors, hoist, head immobiliser, patient transfer sliders, and more. Here students can gain essential skills involved with patient handling and care, fully preparing them for work in a clinical environment.

Digital X-ray Suite

Next to the mock ward is our digital x-ray suite. This room includes an x-ray table and a ceiling mounted x-ray tube for students to operate. There is a lead-glass window in the centre of the lead wall for students to look through for observations. Here students can carry out their training in lateral transfers, x-rays and patient handling. They’ll learn about exposure factors and radiation protection measures – all while standing behind the safety of a lead screen before taking their patient back to the ward.

Interested in learning more about our Clinics?

Based at Health Sciences University, we provide a multidisciplinary service under one roof to help patients return to everyday life faster and in a more manageable way. With our approach, patients will meet the right specialist at the right time, matching them with the right care.

Additional Radiography Facilities


What is the VERT? VERT stands for Virtual Environment Radiotherapy Training. This exciting facility allows our radiotherapy students to prepare for using a linear accelerator, a machine that delivers doses of radiation deep within the body to kill cancer cells. The virtual learning environment provides a safe space for students to learn this highly technical skill outside of the pressures of a clinical setting.

Samsung Ultrasound Suites

Our School of Radiography is also equipped with state-of-the-art Samsung Ultrasound systems (provided by MIS Healthcare) to give students the best start to their training

Quantitative Fluoroscopy

Quantitative Fluoroscopy is used in spinal biomechanics, utilising technology that measures inter-vertebral motion in living subjects and which is now used to research spinal pain internationally.

Quantitative Fluoroscopy is used to see the spine in motion. It’s a method for measuring the movement of body joints, especially spinal ones that are deep inside the body.

Sports Performance Centre & Human Performance Lab

The Sport Performance Centre and Human Performance Lab are situated in Garnet Campus, home to our school or Rehabilitation, Sport and Psychology. These spaces provide a range of sport science, performance and rehabilitation testing, analysis and intervention services to external clients and user groups, as well as for students to learn with. Our track record for providing high-quality services is reflected in Health Sciences University’s status as the official Performance and Rehabilitation partner to English Premiership football club AFC Bournemouth.

Here students can learn about testing and analysing things such as:

  • Sports Psychology and Performance
  • Physiology Assessment
  • Biomechanics and Movement efficiency
  • Rehabilitation, recovery and more.

Learn more about our facilities on Campus

The facilities available at Health Sciences University include state-of-the-art clinical facilities, as well as those to aid student learning and lifestyle.

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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The first of a series of special networking events between NIHR Wessex Experimental Medicine Network (WEMN) and HSU has taken place.

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