Specific groups | Health Sciences University

How We Support Our Students

Chiropractic teacher and students in IRC

Continuously improving our support  for students

We are focused on continuously improving how we support different groups of students at our University College. For example, students from a low-income background or those facing financial hardship, estranged students, students with a disability and care leavers.

We recognise that some students can face particular obstacles when accessing Higher Education (HE). We are committed to working with our student body to ensure all students studying at Health Sciences University have the opportunity to thrive and reach their potential.  

For all students who commence Higher Education at Health Sciences University, we are keen to ensure: 

– All Health Sciences University students all have equal chances of completing their studies.  

– students benefit from exceptional teaching and learning outcomes, to enable them to gain the skills and experiences needed to be successful and progress on to professional employment or further study after they graduate.

This work is in line with our Access and Participation Plan.

What is the Student Support Fund?

The Student Support Fund aims to remove unexpected short-term financial barriers, that would otherwise cause financial difficulty if left unresolved.

The fund is designed to assist students with unaffordable essential costs (e.g. food, rent and bills) and/or course related costs (e.g. equipment to support online learning), which you are otherwise unable to pay. We know that there are many impacts on students’ financial situations that can arise due to a multitude of reasons, these could be:

  • Loss of earnings – either from the supportive parent(s) or part-time work normally attended to by the student
  • Loss of family support – regular or irregular provision
  • Rent arrears – or forward-budgeting that leads the student to realise that future rent arrears are likely
  • Loss of external scholarship funding, or extended periods of study not covered by external scholarship funding – which could also include other bursary funding that the student has otherwise missed out on due to criteria or application
  • Requirement for additional equipment to access remote study such as a laptop – especially if the laptop requires specialist software due to disability reasons which couldn’t otherwise be funded via the DSA

The Student Support Fund is available to all full-time current students, UK undergraduate and postgraduate, with international students covered in exceptional circumstances.

For emergency and financial crises scenarios, students should seek support from the Emergency Fund or International Emergency Fund as applicable.


Who can apply?

To be eligible a student must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be fully enrolled on your chosen course before application to the fund, i.e. you cannot be withdrawn or on a study break
  • Be designated as a ‘home student’ in relation to your tuition fees
  • Be studying on an undergraduate or postgraduate course, or be a postgraduate researcher enrolled at Health Sciences University, full or part-time
  • Be currently in receipt of:
    1) the full entitlement of funding available to you from Student Finance for your region, or equivalent. This could be the combination of your student loan plus a maintenance loan as a typical example
    2) any eligible statutory benefits, such as Universal Credit or childcare grants etc., and you must:
    3) declare if you are in receipt of an Health Sciences University bursary or scholarship.
How do I apply?

Please email our Student Services team to request an appointment with the Student Finance Advisor for a financial assessment.

The aim of the meeting will be to assist with budgeting effectively moving forward, and if it’s identified that the budget does not currently balance, then the Student Finance Advisor may then provide the application form to access funding.

Email us at: studentservices@aecc.ac.uk

When do I need to apply by?

The fund is open all year round, and can be accessed once per student per year.

Once a student has been approved funding, and the application form has been satisfactorily completed, then the student should expect to receive the agreed amount on the 15th of the month when this has been completed. Students will be notified of any delay as appropriate.

Successful applications

You will be notified of the outcome of your assessment via email to your University email address. Please ensure that you check this regularly following submission of your application as we will use this email address to clarify any queries when assessing your application.

If you are successful in receiving an award, payments will be made by BACS into your nominated UK bank account and you will be given instructions on how to confirm these details in the confirmation email.

Unsuccessful applications

If you are unsuccessful, you will be notified via email to your University email address. We will also provide you with information about other sources of funding that you may wish to consider.

Appealing your application outcome

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your application, you can request a review of your application by email to StudentFund@aecc.ac.uk

Who should I contact if I have any queries about the scheme, whether I am eligible or how to complete the application form?

Email StudentFund@aecc.ac.uk and someone will get back to you as soon as possible

Care Experienced and Estranged Students

Care Leavers (and those who have experienced care)

We’re committed to supporting students who have been in care at any time before starting University. Disclosing if you are a care leaver allows us to offer advice and support which may include helping you find a suitable place to live, providing you with a dedicated member of staff to help guide you through various aspects of University life and signposting you to any support needed within Student Services. We also have bursaries in place specifically designed to support care leavers in their studies.

Estranged Students  

We’re committed to supporting students who are estranged from their parents. We know that students with little or no family support may benefit from additional support whilst at the University College and often face additional challenges whilst studying at university.

For more information on the support, guidance and information available to students to help them make the most of their time at university, please visit our Student Service pages or email Lisa Bates at lbates@aecc.ac.uk.

Student Support

Our Student Services team offer support to students whether it’s academic or personal. Student Services are available to all students, all Schools and all years and our advisors will be happy to help you with any questions or queries.

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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The first of a series of special networking events between NIHR Wessex Experimental Medicine Network (WEMN) and HSU has taken place.

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