Wellbeing Support at AECC University College

Our Student Services team is based on the ground floor of the main building, near Reception. We’re open every day, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm, on Thursdays we have a Placement Lounge for our students on Practice Learning from 5-6pm.
You can drop in and see us to book an appointment, or you can email or telephone us. You can either self refer yourself to us, or you might come and see us following a discussion with one of your academic tutors.
Zoe Fudge, Senior Wellbeing Adviser, tells us more about the Wellbeing services available at AECC University College:
Available All Year Round
“Our door is always open to you whilst you are a student with us. We are open during the University holidays and we can arrange face to face, online or telephone appointments.
“We are open to all students, happy to offer a selection of appointments across the week. It’s whatever works best for you.”
“We ask you to make sure that we’re part of your strategy for maintaining your wellbeing whilst you’re studying at AECC University College. Even if it’s just to come and have a chat and talk things through with someone. We’re completely impartial and we’re here to listen. We offer a confidential safe space for you to talk through your worries and concerns.”
Come and Talk to Us
“The conversations that you have with us are completely confidential; you can decide who we share this information with. We offer you a safe environment where you can come and get support.
“If you’re having a bad day, we want you to come and see us that day to have a chat with us. We can then direct you to the member of staff that can provide you with that specialist support that you need. We can also signpost to outside agencies.”
“Our team has staff with different specialisms that can really support you. All the services that we offer are part of your journey through your life at University.
“Studying at University is a marathon, not a sprint. Your wellbeing and how you look after yourself is a key component to making your studies a success – and to enable you to strive and succeed; we’d love to support you with this.”
Our team can offer support with:
- Study Skills
- Mental Health Support
- Support with Finance – you can read more about managing your money at University here.
- Accommodation and Employability.
You can read more about our Student Services team here.