Elaine qualified as an occupational therapist in June 1991, and began working in the local NHS hospital trust in Bristol from July 1991. After two years working in a range of services, including a specialist hand unit; neurology; general medicine; and gerontology, Elaine moved to Social Services, across two Local Authorities (Bristol and South Gloucestershire), taking a post as senior community occupational therapist within 6 months covering maternity leave. This led to her taking up a permanent senior post within the year.
In early 2001, Elaine, and some of the therapy staff, undertook an audit of equipment usage following discharge, for service users across the LA, with the support of the Centre for Evidence Base Practice, Exeter. Following this audit, she worked with the team to produce an article for publication. This experience awoke the latent academic in Elaine, who then successfully applied for a post at the University of the West of England in 2001.
Having taught there for 21 years, running the full-time occupational therapy programme successfully for most of these, Elaine undertook a piece of casual work for Health Sciences University. This was as an external panel member on the HSUUC scrutiny panel for the MSc Occupational Therapy. Upon learning that an associate professor post would be available shortly after, she decided to apply and started at the beginning of January 2023.
Experience and Area of Expertise
Elaine has over 20 years of experience as a senior lecturer in the health and social care field, specifically in occupational therapy. She has expertise in most aspects of academia, such as: in curriculum design to Professional Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) approval, especially in mapping to these; effective management of staff resource across modules; support for disabled students; bid writing to programme tenders; developing good relationships with external partners; Problem and Enquiry based learning approaches; teaching occupational therapy practice skills – such as activity analysis, designing and marking assignments especially presentations and other verbal assessments. Occupational determinants of health are an area of special interest within the field of occupational therapy/science.
- PhD (2019) Occupational Balance in the ‘3rd Age’, University of the West of England (UWE)
- MA (2007) Applied Social Research, with Distinction, UWE
- PGCert (2003) Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, UWE
- PGCert (1999) Management Studies, UWE
- PGCert (1998) Housing Studies, University of Central England (UCE)
- DipCOT (1991) Occupational Therapy, Welsh School of Occupational Therapy (Cardiff)
- Member, Royal College of Occupational Therapists
- Member, World Federation of Occupational Therapists
- Member, British Society of Gerontologists
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy
- Registrant, Health and Care Professions Council
Research Interests 
Research Interests
The concept of occupational balance and older people, considering use of a ‘balance’ tool to help with retirement planning from a health and well-being perspective – links to RCOT research agenda. Occupational therapy practice using the Occupational Adaptation model; occupational balance in other age groups; wellbeing and ‘doing,’ importance of flow, and/or anti-flow experiences. Also, educational research around using occupations e.g., crafts, in occupational therapy education, on any subject.
- Chamberlain, E., Evans, N., Neighbour, K. and Hughes, J. (2001) Equipment – is it the answer? An audit of equipment provision. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 64 (12), pp. 595-600.
- Chamberlain, E. (2002) Audit of effectiveness of Social Services OT equipment and adaptations. Brighton: College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, June.
- Chamberlain, E. and Jenkins, G. (2007) Integration of the American Practice Framework into a UK based Occupational Therapy Programme. St. Louis, Missouri: American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, April.
- Chamberlain, E. (2007) Occupational Balance in the Third Age. Sheffield: British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, September.
- Jenkins, G., Douglas, F. and Chamberlain, E. (2008) Compulsory Volunteering: Using Service Learning to Introduce Occupation to Occupational Therapy Students. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 71 (1), pp. 38-40.
- Hall, E. (2019) Occupational Balance in the ‘Third Age’: A conceptual model [online]. Thesis. University of the West of England. Available from: [Accessed 11th October 2019].