Before joining Health Sciences University, Stephanie spent fourteen years overseas working in both Higher Education and applied performance environments. Stephanie has worked with performers from a variety of domains such as elite sport, music, and dance in both Australia and China.
Current Activity
Stephanie is currently lecturing on the MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology. She is also team leader for WorldSkills UK, where Stephanie works with young people to develop the psychological skills to reach their potential at International competitions. Stephanie is currently completing a master’s in psychology at the University of Liverpool.
Areas of Interest
Areas of interest include:
- mental toughness in elite sports environments,
- overtraining,
- athlete and coach mental health,
- choking,
- self-talk and irrational beliefs,
- and gender equity in sport
- BSc Hons. Physiology and Sport Science (University of Glasgow)
- MSc Exercise Psychology (University of Glasgow)
- PhD Sport Psychology (Victoria University, Melbourne)
- British Psychological Society
- British Association of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- International Society of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise
Publications Book chapters/Peer reviewed articles
Book chapters
Cowden, R. G., Crust, L., Tibbert, S.J., & Jackman, P.C. (2020). Mental toughness development and training in sport. In M. Bertollo, E. Filho, & P. C. Terry (Eds.) Innovations in mental skills training. New York, NY: Routledge.
Tibbert, S. J., & Andersen, M. B. (2015). Overtraining in professional sport: Exceeding the limits in a culture of physical and mental toughness. In M. B. Andersen & S. J. Hanrahan (Eds.), Doing exercise psychology (pp. 233-254). Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics
Tibbert, S. J., Andersen, M. B., & Morris, T. (2015). What a difference a “mentally toughening” year makes: The acculturation of a rookie. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 17, 68-78.
Tibbert, S. J., Andersen, M. B., & Morris, T. (2015). The dark side of mental toughness: subcultural imperatives that harm. FEPSAC publishers.
Mesagno, C., Tibbert, S.J., Buchanan, E., Harvey, J.T., & Turner, M.J. (2020) Irrational beliefs and choking under pressure: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.
Mesagno. C., Garvey, J., & Tibbert, S.J., & Gropel, P. (2019). An investigation into handedness and choking under pressure in sport. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 90(2), 1-10.
Krause, L., Naughton, G.A., Benson, A.C., & Tibbert, S.J. (2017). Equity of physical characteristics between adolescent males and females participating in single or mixed gender sport. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32.
Krause, L., Naughton, G., Benson, A., & Tibbert, S.J. (2016). Equity in single-sex sport for adolescents: Should psychological differences be considered? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19S, e45.