Further your career beyond traditional professional boundaries and expand the scope of your practice, to enhance patient care and improve healthcare service delivery.
Mapped to Health Education England’s (2017) Multi-professional framework for ACP, this multi-professional, personalised and adaptable course is designed for experienced healthcare professionals from a wide and diverse range of professions and settings.
On this flexible, individually-tailored pathway you’ll not only gain the academic qualification, but also transform your role and meet the competence and capabilities for ACP status recognition. You’ll study a hands-on, clinically-focused curriculum that puts patient care front and centre, whilst incorporating the other core pillars of education, leadership/management, and research.
You will be taught by experts in the field including academic lecturers, specialist and advanced clinical practitioners and pharmacists, and will benefit from using our outstanding on-site facilities, including our Clinical Simulation facility and Immersive Learning Environment.
What you can expect
You may already be in a trainee ACP post or you may be an employer looking for an appropriate ACP apprenticeship programme for an employee.
Advanced Clinical Practitioners are experienced clinicians who independently manage clinical care processes from start to finish. Working across traditional health and social care boundaries, they combine expert clinical skills with research, education and leadership (Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, 2018).
The Advanced Clinical Practice apprenticeship has been designed to meet the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (2018) Advanced Clinical Practitioner apprenticeship Standard, a framework which fits with an employer-led approach to ensure the educational and professional development requirements for the current and future advanced clinical practice workforce are met.
As an ACP apprentice, you will work towards meeting learning outcomes that furnish you with the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours, and underpinning values of the ACP Apprenticeship Standard. With a strong emphasis on work-based learning, learning occurs both in the classroom but predominantly in the healthcare environment, where you are supported by appropriate workplace supervisor/s.
Course Details
Your Employer’s Commitment
Your employer, through your workplace supervisor takes an active role in your apprenticeship and makes a written commitment for this purpose. Your employer must allow you to complete and ensure that you record the off-the-job training hours required by and set out in your Apprenticeship Training Plan during your paid working time. Alongside this you will complete situated on-the-job training in the workplace – achieving and maintaining progress in both during the apprenticeship are requirements for successful achievement.
Your employer will support your learning through your workplace supervisor. Your supervisor will ensure that you are able to access the breadth or work experience and opportunities to embed your learning. Employers must demonstrate their support and resource for your apprenticeship during the application process and confirm their commitment to developing your skills to an advanced level of practice in their workplace. The trainee must have support from their employer to work enough hours each week so they can undertake sufficient regular training and on-the-job training.
Your Commitment
As part of your application, you will complete a skills scan against the knowledge, skills and behaviours in the apprenticeship Standard followed by an interview discussion. This confirms that the apprenticeship is the right route for you and identifies where you have gaps in your knowledge, skills and experience that will be addressed through the apprenticeship. This is an important part of the preparation for your apprenticeship, and it confirms the content in your Training Plan. You will also commit to undertaking the final End Point Assessment, a synoptic assessment to confirm that you can consistently demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by the apprenticeship.
Candidates with prior learning, skills, qualification or experience indicated on the skills scan must have more than 12 months of learning to attain to join the apprenticeship programme – we will explore this with you if relevant during the interview.
To achieve your ACP Apprenticeship and the underpinning Masters degree in Advanced Clinical Practice, you’ll need to participate in and record your planned learning time to achieve the apprenticeship (180 Master’s level credits).
At the end of your programme you will need to demonstrate in your learning log that these hours have been achieved.
At the end of your Programme, your workplace supervisor the university and you conduct a Gateway Review. The gateway is an essential stage in the apprenticeship and takes place before your final End Point Assessment (EPA). The employer and training provider will review your knowledge, skills and behaviours to see if they have met the minimum requirements of the apprenticeship set out in the apprenticeship Standard, and are ready to take the assessment. Once you have reached this stage, you will go through the gateway and will be deemed ready to undertake the externally-assessed, final end point assessment. This is set by IfATE in their End Point Assessment Plan. The end point assessment is designed to enable you to demonstrate that you meet all the knowledge, skills and behaviours, underpinned by the values within the ACP Apprenticeship Standard. Once this has successfully been achieved, the apprentice is awarded the final 20 credits of the full 180 credits for the MSc ACP and the ACP apprenticeship award.
Your Joint Commitment to Success
To support you on your apprenticeship, the apprenticeship tutor, you and your workplace supervisor will prepare for and participate in four mandatory progress review meetings during the year.. Typically lasting for an hour, these are timetabled to follow or prepare you for key milestones during your apprenticeship. We will discuss and record your progress, agree any action plans needed to support tor enhance your learning and prepare you for the next session in your learning plan. The Apprenticeship Programme Curriculum
To gain a picture of the curriculum check out the list of units below. Through this apprenticeship programme, you will be supported by our academic team, who will be able to broaden your expertise and develop your critical thinking skills, engaging with evidence-based practice with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of patient care. This will be in conjunction with your workplace-based learning and development within your practice setting, where you are supported by workplace supervisors and other professional colleagues.
The ACP apprentice at HSU will:
- Study on a multi-professional apprenticeship programme, which places you as a trainee ACP at the centre of learning and professional development in your practice setting.
- Have access to expertise and skills from a wide range of professionals including non-medical consultants, advanced clinical practitioners, medical practitioners and guest lecturers at the cutting-edge of health and social care.
- Be supported in clinical practice by workplace supervisors who are advanced clinical practitioners, consultants, specialist registrars or general practitioners.
On-programme and supervised workplace learning should be structured to enable increasing independence and autonomy as an ACP. Your progress academically and in the workplace will be monitored at regular intervals prior to the gateway progression. You will need a suitable, named supervisor agreed by your employer and Health Sciences University, who will support you in applying, reinforcing and demonstrating the required knowledge, skills and behaviours within the workplace.
Why you should undertake the Advanced Clinical Practice (degree apprenticeship) at Health Sciences University?
- Study a workplace-focused, clinical practice-based curriculum that incorporates the other core pillars of education, clinical leadership and research, to assume the role and responsibilities expected of an ACP, enhancing the capabilities of multidisciplinary healthcare teams and working towards constant improvements in patient care and service development and delivery.
- Learn from a multidisciplinary team of lecturers, who are healthcare professionals with experience of working in the NHS.
- Access our Clinical Simulation facility, including our Immersive Learning Environment
- Be supported by your workplace supervisor and the university team working together to progress your learning and achievement
- Gain the academic and professional development requirements needed to meet the Institute for Apprenticeship (IfATE 2018) ACP Standard culminating in successful completion of the end point assessment, alongside the MSc ACP academic programme.
- The ACP apprenticeship programme is also aligned to the expectations set by Health Education England’s Centre for Advancing Practice’s Multi-professional Framework for Advanced Clinical Practice in England (HEE 2017) (The ACP Apprenticeship programme will be seeking HEE ACP programme accreditation imminently).
- Opt in, if you are already a prescriber Or study pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions, to enhance and advance your knowledge of pharmacology and optimising medication for service users.
The ACP Apprenticeship programme at HSU offers a flexible, individually-tailored pathway to meet both the ACP apprenticeship occupational profile, alongside the Masters (level 7) academic qualification. Due to its multi-professional and personalised nature, it is appropriate for healthcare professionals from a wide and diverse range of professions and settings, already in advancing practice roles within an established workforce team or who are being employed as trainee ACPs within a newly reformed or reforming healthcare service.
As an employer-led apprenticeship, the emphasis is on significant workplace-based learning through both on and off-the-job activities, alongside academic course delivery. The apprenticeship programme supports your development, aligned with the advanced level autonomous, independent practice expected of the ACP apprenticeship Standard. By completing the apprenticeship programme and transforming your role, you will work at an advanced level of clinical practice, with direct patient care at the forefront, with the other pillars of research, education and clinical leadership, being core to all elements of your practice. This can support you in delivery of high quality, safe, effective patient care and to initiate and implement innovative, person-centred improvements for patient and service outcomes.
Our aim at HSU is to support you, as an experienced healthcare professional to advance your professional practice, to develop the practical knowledge and theoretical understanding required to meet the ACP occupational profile in your own practice setting. You will be supported in your workplace by appropriate, experienced professional colleagues, such as ACPs / Consultant practitioners, Medical Consultants, specialist registrars or General Practitioners. You will be taught by experts in the field including academic lecturers, specialist and advanced clinical practitioners and pharmacists.
Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship Award
Will be seeking ACP programme accreditation with the NHS England Centre for Advancing Practice.
Unit Breakdown
The schedule planned off-the-job learning time that you spend during your usual paid working hours includes indicative learning contact and tutor guided hours (face-to-face and online attendance), independent study (research, reading and preparation) for written or practical assignments and any activities that you undertake away from your usual duties at work in support of your apprenticeship learning.
- Consultation and clinical assessment for advancing practice (20 credits level 7). Typical hours of learning you will need to plan = 110hrs
- Developing as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner across the four pillars (20 credits level 7). Typical hours of learning you will need to plan = 63hrs
- Clinical Reasoning, diagnostic decision making and managing complexity for advanced practice (20 credits level 7). Typical hours of learning you will need to plan = 105hrs
- Therapeutic interventions and pharmacology for advanced practice (20 credits level 7). Typical hours of learning you will need to plan = 94hrs
- The Advanced Clinical Practitioner as educator and role model (20 credits level 7). Typical hours of learning you will need to plan = 94hrs
- Negotiated work-based learning for advanced clinical practice (20 credits level 7). Typical hours of learning you will need to plan = 91hrs
- Service Improvement Project (40 credits level 7). Typical hours of learning you will need to plan = 188hrs
- Advanced Clinical Practitioner End Point Assessment Preparation (20 credits level 7). Typical hours of learning you will need to plan = 89hrs
Entry Requirements
What qualifications do I need? 
What qualifications do I need?
You’ll need a first degree in a relevant subject or equivalent, alongside current professional UK registration as a healthcare professional with a minimum of 3 years post-registration experience. You must be employed as a healthcare professional for a minimum of 30hrs per week with employer support and access to appropriate workplace supervision for the duration of the apprenticeship.
You can transfer from a degree programme to the apprenticeship but where you transfer from a full-time further education or higher education course and that course has been funded by a student loan, the loan must be terminated by you with evidence of this as part of your application.
GCSE and/or level 2 English and Maths
For candidates who achieved their qualifications in the UK, you must provide evidence that you have achieved these qualifications before you can join the apprenticeship. You must submit your certificates with your application form. If you cannot find your certificates please refer to get a replacement exam certificate on GOV.UK.
If English is not the apprentice’s first language, normally ILETS (academic) 7.0 or above, minimum of 7.0 in each component.
For candidates who achieved their English and maths qualifications outside the UK, you will need to obtain evidence of proof of equivalency from UK ENIC. This confirmation certificate must be submitted with your application.
How do I apply? 
How do I apply?
Applications for MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (Degree Apprenticeship) are now open, please follow the link above on our online application system.
Evidence of prior learning 
Evidence of prior learning
Assessment of an apprentice’s current competence, through recognition of prior learning and experience, forms part of the initial assessment process and skills scan as outlined above, which ensures that the apprentice is on the right programme and includes eligibility checks. You should, with support, prepare for the assessment of prior learning and experience by reflecting on your education and career to date, gathering evidence in advance if required, which may be relevant to your apprenticeship.
The apprentice should also be made aware of the benefits of being supported to achieve their apprenticeship and potentially become occupationally competent in a shorter time than the typical duration for the apprenticeship. It is important to note that the skills scan purpose is to identify your gaps and priorities for your apprenticeship. If you indicate that you have already achieved most of the knowledge, skills and behaviours for the apprenticeship and therefore do not need a structured training programme offered by the apprenticeship.
If you have prior academically accredited units that are relevant to the course learning outcomes, you can apply for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The RPL process allows for completion of credits in a staged process by acknowledging previously completed units. Units being considered for RPL will be reviewed to ensure they meet the learning needs of the course and specific unit.
Register your interest 
Register your interest
To register your interest now or ask any questions about the course, please complete the form at the bottom of the page.
Is there anything else that is required? 
Is there anything else that is required?
If you’re not sure about anything listed here, talk to our Apprenticeship team by emailing apprenticeships@aecc.ac.uk complete the form below or call us on 01202 436200 and we’ll be happy to answer any question you have.
For more information about our admissions policies and procedures, including our Admissions Complaints and Appeals Policy, see latest policies.
International Students 
International Students
International students are only eligible for this course if you are eligible to work in the UK, are employed in an appropriate role and have the necessary visas.
Still have questions about applying?
Course Fees
This Apprenticeship has been allocated to the £12,000 Apprenticeship funding band.
Register your Interest
Register your Interest / Enquiry 

Why choose Health Sciences University
There are many benefits to studying at Health Sciences University, from our expertise and history in teaching health sciences, to our state-of-the-art facilities, on-site clinical training, and of course our location on the beautiful Bournemouth coast.