This unit will develop your knowledge, understanding and skills of Motivational Interviewing, an evidence based psychologically informed approach recommended to support and increase sustainable change. The unit will introduce you to a range of MI techniques and skills and develop how to practice these within the ethos of this approach to support change.
The unit is an interactive course that will require you to be ready to practice skills, be observed and obtain feedback through coaching in order to increase MI proficiency and you will be required to complete a pre course coded tape before commencing the course as well as a post course coded tape as part of the clinical assessment process. Guidance will be offered on this upon acceptance to the unit.
Course Details
On this unit you will develop your understanding of the theories, concepts and research underpinning Motivational Interviewing Practice.
You will identify and recognise key components of MI and non-MI practice; psycholinguistics of MI such as sustain and change talk. You will be supported in developing MI consistent micro skills (Open questioning, Affirming, Reflecting and Summarizing- OARS).
During the course of the unit you will explore how to focus and negotiate goal setting in an effective and collaborative manner, as well as exploring the process of evocation as a fundamental component of change and where it fits within practice.
As you develop your knowledge you will explore using MI to manage discord within therapeutic relationships such as working with different agendas, disguised compliance and poor treatment adherence. In your group you will explore how and when to integrate MI with other modalities of practice and in different roles
This unit will be delivered through blended learning, with both time in the classroom and online with both synchronous and asynchronous delivery of content.
Initially you will attend for a two-day block, face to face at our Bournemouth Campus, followed by 4 half days online. You will then attend for a further two days in a block.
This pattern of delivery will enable you to rehearse your skills in the workplace, using the online sessions for both peer and tutor support. You will be required to undertake group work, peer-assessed student presentations and self-directed learning.
This is a 20 credit award at Level 7.
This unit has been developed in partnership with Kendelle Bond, the clinical director of the National Centre for Behaviour Change (NCBC).
Kendelle will deliver this unit alongside Prof Lesley Haig, also an expert in the use of Motivational Interviewing.
The aim of this unit is for you to go on a journey of developing skills in MI with the assessment focused on a pre and post course coded tape which is a recording of you delivering an MI focused intervention. You will then complete a reflective case study based on your skills development.
Entry Requirements
What qualifications do I need? 
This unit is suitable for health and care professionals who are working in an role to help patients identify and change behaviours that place them at risk of developing health problems. Health behaviours are any behaviour relating to health, for example exercise, smoking, food and alcohol consumption.
Still have questions about applying?

Why choose Health Sciences University
There are many benefits to studying at Health Sciences University, from our expertise and history in teaching health sciences, to our state-of-the-art facilities, on-site clinical training, and of course our location on the beautiful Bournemouth coast.