Chiropractic Courses Recognised by New Education Standards

The AECC School of Chiropractic is delighted to announce that its MSc Chiropractic (pre-registration) is the first Chiropractic course to meet the new Education Standards recently introduced by the General Chiropractic Council. These Standards were introduced in March 2023.
The Education Standards are designed to provide clarity on what the GCC expects of graduates practising in the UK and equip chiropractic students, at the point of graduation, for the demands of independent practice or employment in various roles or settings.
The GCC expects students to be taught evidence-based practice: integrating individual clinical expertise, the best available evidence from current and credible clinical research, and the values and preferences of patients.
Programmes that meet these Standards will teach ethical, professional care and produce competent healthcare professionals who can serve the needs of patients.
Following the March 2023 launch, education providers were asked to implement the changes in time for the September 2024 student intake.
At their meeting in November 2023, the GCC Education Committee recognised the MSc Chiropractic (Pre-registration) course being taught from January 2024 at AECC University College as the first course that will meet the new Standards.
Head of the AECC School of Chiropractic, Philip Dewhurst, said: “This is fantastic news and I am really proud of the hard work of colleagues that went into ensuring the course at AECC UC meets these rigorous new standards. Creating these new standards is a positive step forward and brings clear benefits for patients, students and the chiropractic profession as a whole.
“We are very proud of our significant Chiropractic heritage here at AECC UC and of our brilliant graduates who make a difference in the lives of their patients every day. We are committed to offering the best Chiropractic education available that is rooted in evidence-based practice, informed by research and puts patients at the heart of care.”