Community of Practice | Health Sciences University

Community of Practice

You are warmly invited to join our newly formed Community of Practice, a space for collaboration, knowledge sharing and continuous learning. Run by the HSU School of Chiropractic, our Community of Practice is open to all Health Sciences University Alumni and friends.

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What is it?

We have developed a series of sessions that we hope you will find thought-provoking and beneficial to your practice. Join us regularly, for free, to stay updated on the latest research, join colleagues in discussion about case management and consider new approaches to enhance your practice.

How do I benefit?

We aim to bring chiropractors together to share ideas, solve problems and discuss best practice. Join us across the year for our free webinars to help enhance your knowledge, skills and expertise.

How do I join?

Simply register via the form below.

Academic colleagues from the AECC School of Chiropractic will be hosting these sessions as online webinars, to enable as many participants to join as possible – from around the world.

Upcoming Sessions

Find out when we are holding Community of Practice sessions.

A Rare Cause of Knee Pain in a Child

A case from The World Kickboxing Championship

4th September 2024 Lecturer in Chiropractic, Mustafa Agaolu During this live stream webinar review of a young male kick boxing athlete, with knee pain complaint. The cause of his complaint was not in fact a sport-related MSK issue but a rare condition malignant tumour, osteosarcoma.  The most common malignant bone tumour among children and adolescents, and is often overlooked and misdiagnosed. This session provides an overview of the condition and aims to create awareness of the signs to look out for.

MRI Essentials

23rd October 2024 Chiropractic Radiologist DACBR, Inger Roug Tune in to the live-stream session for a comprehensive discussion on spinal MRI focusing on various aspects such as the ageing spine, stenosis, spondylolisthesis, disc osteophyte complex, multifidus atrophy, and common findings.  You will have the opportunity to ask questions both throughout and at the conclusion of the session.
Dizziness – Quick and Easy Decision Making 4th December 2024 Clinic Tutor and Associate Lecturer, Raphaela Dasser Dizziness is not uncommon in chiropractic practice, and there is often some significant confusion amongst clinicians. This talk will ease the complexity of diagnosis and lead the practitioner though some practical steps to help decision making, covering important history questions and examination findings.

Register Your Interest

If you would like to receive emails about our Community of Practice events, please complete the form below


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Dan Egelstaff

Dan Egelstaff is a First Year student on the MSc Occupational Therapy (pre-registration) course. The degree at Health Sciences University appealed to Dan when he was working as a Learning Disabilities Support Worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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